This week’s progress has been a little slow but steady. I finished running the automated fixers: 2to3 and modernize on cwltool/ and tests/ folder. These handled the very basic and mundance syntactic changes to make codebase compatible. Then I manually made changes to handle standard libraries incompatibilities such as urlparse, urllib, StringIO. six library came really handy at this time, as it exposes six.moves package which provides unified API (exactly smiliar to python3) which works well in py2+3. Check out my WIP Pull Request here

When running the test suite in py3, it got stuck at one of the testcases and I just couldn’t figure out what was causing it. This time around, PyCharm’s debugger came in really handy. I ran the same test suite using pycharm debugger and paused at the hung up test to find out it was stuck in this while loop :sweat_smile:

if compute_checksum:
     checksum = hashlib.sha1()
     while contents != "":  <---                              

Since byte literals are completely separated out from strings (which are unicode by default) in python3, this equality can never hold true and thus, infinite loop here. A quick fix here was do this: while contents != b"": Related commit

Micheal had previously encouraged me to use ipython debugger which helped me find a not so obvious error in a previous PR. I had used gdb tool before to find seg faults in my C++ code but never needed to python debugger. I think it will come really handy now since I’m trying to fix failing unit tests.

Also, I was able to setup Coveralls CI for schema_salad on my fork. This will comment coverage report on every PR. This will be a good motivation for the comitters to add unit tests if their code changes drops the total code coverage.

Week 2 To Do:

  • I will be spending most of my week 2 in passing cwltool unit tests. Currently trying to figure out the avro library API inconsistancy and failing tests due to that.
  • Make progress in upgrading mypy for schema_salad. Try out typesheds written by Aleksandr

PS: I’ve written this blog a bit early so that it aligns with the GSoC weekly timeline and I can put up a new blog post every Sunday from hereon.